The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) is a joint-venture publication founded by two respected free-market speakers and analysts in the financial sector, Jeff Berwick and Ed Bugos. Both Jeff and Ed consider themselves financial freedom fighters and have written extensively in the past about the ongoing and impending collapse of the US dollar based financial system. They joined forces to publish TDV, a publication and community for dollar crash survivors.

Anarcho-Capitalist. Libertarian. Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick founded The Dollar Vigilante (TDV) in 2010 with Ed Bugos. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including Anarchapulco, his own annual event in Acapulco, Mexico currently going on its 10th year.
Jeff’s background in the financial markets dates back to his founding of Canada’s largest financial website,, in 1994. In the late ‘90s the company expanded worldwide into 8 different countries and had 250 employees and a market capitalization of $240 million USD at the peak of the “tech bubble”. To this day more than a million investors use for investment information every month.
After selling the company in 2002 he tried to sail around the world and sank his boat in El Salvador. He then carried on via backpack to over 100 countries in a quest to understand the world through his own eyes and not the lens of the fakestream media.
Since founding TDV in 2010 he was the first financial analyst in the world to recommend Bitcoin at $3 in 2011. He also recommended Ethereum at $2 in 2016. Bitcoin went on to record a gain of 2,300,000% and Ethereum gained 239,900% from his recommendation price making him the most prolific financial analyst in the history of the world.
He has since been banned nearly everywhere for exposing the globalist and central bank systems but still publishes regular videos on with his dog Lucy.
He published a worldwide best selling book, ‘The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire’ in 2020 and was one of the first to expose the entire Covid plandemic psychological operation which he outlined in his book.
Berwick is no longer allowed on mainstream television, Youtube, Facebook and most other mainstream platforms as he constantly exposes government narratives and helps people to not only survive but profit from the financial collapse and the apocalypse.
Berwick also helped found the anarcho-capitalist country Liberland and is currently the Ambassador and Diplomat for Liberland in Mexico.

Ed is the Dollar Vigilante's Senior Analyst, Founding Partner and Editor. He is a financial analyst and investment strategist who specializes in precious metals and mining stocks. He has been a featured speaker at several investment conferences and has been quoted in various financial publications including Marketwatch and Forbes. Ed has been a dedicated investment professional since 1989, having started his career as a stock and futures broker on Howe Street at one of Vancouver's leading brokerage firms.
There Ed made money for his clients by financing the early rounds of exploration for diamonds in the North West Territories, where nobody previously believed they existed. Like Jeff, Ed has made millions for investors going against the grain like that. In 2000 Ed left the brokerage industry at the height of a tech mania to start one of the first gold and money newsletters online. He is one of the first and maybe still the only analyst to apply the Austrian Business Cycle Theory to the bull and bear market cycles on Wall Street. He has been covering the dollar collapse story since gold hit its multi decade bottom ($285).
In the last decade, Ed jumped on board the cryptocurrency train with Jeff Berwick early in the cycle, returning gains of hundreds and thousands in percentage points over the years. Ed is an ardent student of the Austrian School, and toils on a portfolio and trading strategies that he publishes in our newsletter regularly. He designs and publishes a macro investment strategy and a stock portfolio loosely based on his own.
Along with Jeff, Ed hates the State in the Rothbardian sense, and does everything he can to expose how central banks and governments rig the financial playing fields.

Born in Denmark Michael studied business for some years then joined the special panzer infantry unit in the Danish military run by the special forces and afterwards the national guard's military police division. After his time in the military Michael created businesses in the fields of website development, SEO, design and Marketing. Looking for opportunities overseas Michael went to Mexico and quickly learned the customs, language and continued his business practices there. In 2009 he met Jeff Berwick, the creator of the financial newsletter, at that time in its infancy, The Dollar Vigilante and quickly started working with him. As The Dollar Vigilante grew he helped start up projects such as The Anarchast, Anarchapulco, and more. Currently Michael is the COO at The Dollar Vigilante.

Rafael LaVerde has a background in private equity and venture capital. He discovered Bitcoin in 2012 while volunteering on Ron Paul's presidential campaign. He served as board member of a Libertarian Super PAC while doing post-graduate work in economics, and was also a member of the University of Texas’ Mises Circle. His formal education includes graduate degrees in continental philosophy and psychology. He has been a Bitcoin miner since 2014. Rafael also managed investor relations for the BitAngels Network, which helped finance the vast majority of early Bitcoin startups, and was also part of the DApps Fund team that revolutionized funding structures that eventually became known as ICOs and STOs. He was also the founding partner of what became one of the very first Bitcoin venture capital funds.

Mr. X is a former IT & information security consultant, and equities trader. He is an early Bitcoin adopter, investor, miner, and trader (since early 2011 when it was under $1), early Monero adopter, investor, miner & trader (since 2015 when it was under 50 cents), and has experience as a crypto asset fund manager, consultant, & analyst, helping his clients generate over $10 million in crypto asset trading profits.
His university degree is in business IT systems, with additional studies & certifications in the areas of computer science, information security, networks, & programming. He is passionate about sound money, cryptocurrency, finance, economics, technology, security, liberty, and privacy, and enjoys helping others grow in their knowledge in these areas.

Passionate about personal freedom and integrity, Mike left a senior position in Canada’s retail industry when it was clear his values no longer aligned with his work. He now supports the TDV as an analyst, writer, and graphic artist; helping to create many of the newsletter cover images. He is a proponent of privacy-cryptos, a long-time goldbug, musician and a life-long student of both moral philosophy and Austrian economics.

Mr. Z is a former Wall Street trader, investment analyst and consultant. Over his career in the corporate world, he awakened to just how broken many of our economic and social systems are. By the mid-2010s, when he had all but completely walked away from financial markets, he stumbled upon Bitcoin in the comments section of ZeroHedge. Here he saw a path which could help bring honesty and equity back to world systems – not to mention offer incredible opportunity for adopters. He was instantly hooked. By early 2017 he was providing fundamental blockchain analysis and advisory to numerous influential crypto investors and enthusiasts. Mr. Z’s passion for how blockchain can re-shape the world for the better is influenced by his extensive study in not only world history, economics and finance, but mythology, religion and spiritual traditions of both the East and West.

After graduating in law, Mari-Louise worked as a regulatory advisor for Big Tech in Johannesburg, South Africa, before specializing in corporate communications and investor relations. As FinTech communications expert, she has been part of the Dollar Vigilante team since 2020 as general company researcher and writer, editor of the TDV bi-monthly newsletter, and editor of The Controlled Demolition of the American Empire by Jeff Berwick and Charlie Robinson. She is a passionate advocate for personal and financial privacy and autonomy with a special interest in Plan B offshore living and planning. She holds qualifications in law, business, and marketing.

Luis Fernando is the principal of Emancipated Human LLC. He has vision to be present and empower people and has been doing that for over a dozen years. He has been developing servant leadership programs for over 12 years and has been internationally recognized as a leader in designing interactive curriculum and growing leaderful cultures.
He is a life-long learner and understands that in order to bring fresh perspectives and help teams arrive to resourceful solutions, he must continuously educate himself. This focus on continuous education has led him to work in a variety of industries, including cryptocurrencies (since 2012), finance, and marketing and advertising.
Luis has been selling Kratom for over 6 years and has expanded his business and now carries extracts and will release “kratom shots” by the end of the year. His latest venture is Sacred Breathwork. A trauma-informed practice for somatic unwinding. Luis Fernando did two sessions for Anarchawaken in 2021 and a private ceremony for Jeff Berwick who rated it HERE. In breathwork, we are able to achieve experiences like those in mushrooms, Ayahuasca, San Pedro, etc… just by breathing.

Pete Gorman has been a digital nomad since the first Anarchapulco in 2015. He has worked for TDV since 2013 putting together Jeff's videos, working from many different countries as a perpetual traveller. He has worked professionally with video for 20 years.

Anarcho-Capitalist. Miles Adinolfi is an American entrepreneur who spends most of his time in Mexico. He began working with TDV in 2015 as Jeff Berwick’s Executive Assistant at the age of 19. He’s been a jack of all trades within TDV and first started off as a ghost writer and editor of the twice monthly newsletter. He currently works as TDV’s video director and presides over the production of the Lucy & Jeff Show.

Alexander Hart Havens is a specialist consultant at TDV Offshore Consulting which, in cooperation with Liberated Services LLP, designs workable and cost-effective offshore solutions such as international lifestyle diversification strategies and second citizenship opportunities to five-figure and six-figure earners. All specialists at TDV Offshore hold advanced university degrees and possess a wealth of first-hand knowledge and highly actionable second citizenship expertise. If you would like to explore viable second citizenship opportunities, or if you are entirely new to the world of second citizenships and wish to begin your journey by obtaining valuable broad-based insight into the various programs in place, contact us today at [email protected].

CrypTico started working with TDV/TCV in June 2021 managing Telegram as a moderator and support. He is a Telegram bot expert with many years of Customer/Technical Support experience.

Clark is the manager behind the excellent support team at both The Dollar Vigilante and The Crypto Vigilante making sure the clients get the support they deserve in a timely manner. Clark has many years of extensive experience in both customer service, IT, programming and management.

L-Dixon is the Founder of Autonomite and a multi-passionate creative seeking to help liberate humanity through his various outlets. Whether it be through entrepreneurship, music production, web design, writing or video production, his focus is on utilizing those skills to manifest a vision of a freer, more sustainable and abundant world. He primarily contributes to TDV and TCV by managing the websites, the technology for the virtual events, and deploying automation.

Mr. N is a digital swiss army knife. He has spent the last 2 decades providing high end graphic design , in numerous media forms, for a wide range of global clients. He is an intensely skeptical anarchist with an innate desire to make any set of information look better so you can understand it better. Typesetting is his happy place. Kerning is learning!

Originally inspired by Doug Casey and Ron Paul, Joshua Thompson has been a part of the TDV subscriber community for nearly a decade and began working for Ed in 2021. With degrees in Music, French, Sports Medicine, JT has worked to the top of his field, started multiple businesses, lived abroad, and travelled extensively, with the goal of eventually becoming a 'Prior Taxpayer'. Throughout these years, he immersed himself in economics and market research, finding mentors including Ed Bugos, along the way. JT believes the best way to change the world for the better is to educate the young about the redistributive and destructive nature of inflation.
When off the clock, you would find him out camping with his cat and friends, likely on a mountain adventure.