The United Weather-Controlled ZionDom Of America

Hallelujah for the United States of Zion!

SuperTrump ‘won’ the selection. SuperTrump, the Prince of Jerusalem. SuperTrump, who touches the sky and makes it rain in Spain and snow in summer in Africa. And, why not? It seems the HAARPicanes in North Carolina and Florida worked out well for the new president. 

He is the chosen one. 

No pet squirrels will die on his watch. Or unborn babies. Only more children in Gaza. Oh, and libtards killing themselves in despair of Project 2025, the return of public lynchings and abortions with clothes hangers. 

No more fluoride in the water, because Kennedy said so. Only cloud poisoning and lethal injections – FREE when you buy a McDonalds sex hormone burger. 

On that point, people are talking about how many fewer people voted in this (s)election than in the one four years ago. Well, it's probably all explained by the fact that both Trump and Kamala were heavily involved in injecting everyone in the US with poison. Most of them are probably dead or too injured to vote for the people who tried to kill them. Probably a significant amount of them also woke up and real-eyes-ed that democracy and voting is just a show for a criminal slavery system and declined to participate in their own slavery. Demo-rat tax slaves also were more likely to take more injections of poison than Republicrat tax slaves which also correlates with the numbers.

No more illegals or rampant crime, only more police with guns and martial laws to keep the United Sheeple Slaves of America in order. 

No more inflation and death by taxes, praise the gods. Except… dum dum dummmmm… 

“Anything short of reducing the size and scope of the government (ie., less inflation, taxes, spending, regulation and debt), will fail to stop America's (and the dollar's) decline. ” – Ed Bugos 

It would take massive spending cuts to balance the budget now. It's doubtful Trump will be able to make any changes at all (even if he wanted to). When it comes down to it, he won't be able to stop the debt trajectory without crashing the US economy and markets — and he clearly won't do that. Trump will push for lower rates and more money printing, just like last time, and just like every other politician. 

The game plan hasn't changed, just the figurehead.

I called a win for Trump days ago, and while I understand people’s need to view this as positive and optimistic my opinion hasn’t changed: It doesn’t matter whether Kamala or ZionDom or Elon Musk or any of their fake dummies are in charge, the real winner is Israhell and the synagogue of satan… nephilim… reptilians… illuminati, whatever you want to call it/them/they.  

Still, the dramedy of liberal tears after selection day almost makes the show worthwhile. Life on the Jones Plantation just got a little more entertaining.

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Jeff Berwick

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and creator of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, the world's largest anarcho-capitalist conference, Anarchapulco, as well he has been embarrassed to have appeared in the fake mainstream media including CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg. Jeff also posts video content daily to, Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee and 153News.