AI Bot ‘Louise Cypher’ Revealed in 2015 that AI would Begin Takeover and Destroy Humanity in 2025

“With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the demon.” That’s what Elon Musk said at MIT’s AeroAstro Centennial Symposium in 2014.  A year later, in 2015, Max Igan discovered Louise Cypher (LUCIFER), a chatbot from EVIL Ltd who revealed that AI would initiate a human race takeover… IN 2025!!  Then, human extinction via an EMP (electromagnetic pulse)…

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Trump Develops Gaza Into A Genocide Smart City and Super Bowl Black-Swan Day

Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.  In this case, Super Demonbowl Sunday, which, looking at the run-up of psyop events in Philadelphia and New Orleans that I’ve been talking about the past few weeks might very well be the Big One they’ve been signalling about in the movies since 1977.  Like…

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CONTROLLED DEMOLITION: America Under Attack By Daily Psyops Now As We Near The Great Reset

Yup! They’re now rolling out psyops on an almost daily basis. It’s almost getting too easy to spot, including vanishing planes and people and always visible symbolism for those who care to see. WE NEED BETTER PSYOPS!  Interestingly, one of the first things Trump cut completely on his first day was the Aviation Safety Advisory…

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TRACKS, VAX, and TAX: The All-In-One AI Solution Brought To You By Trump & The Jewish Billionaires Clubs

If you voted for the MAGA and MAHA illusion, congratulations, you might just be figuring out that YOU HAVE BEEN PLAYED!  Just in his first 2 weeks in office, Trump has,  What a mensch!  Not that anyone noticed when there is juicier stuff to tweet about like his big revelation that there are only two…

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STARGATE: The Messiah Ascends The Throne And Announces $500 Billion AI MRNA Vaccines & Full Spectrum Panopticon

The Jones Plantation is under new management!  It’s early days, so early that by the time I recorded this video Trump hadn’t even pardoned Ross Ulbricht yet. I had my doubts on that one, but I’m very happy for his family and him.  Trump also set all the January 6 “insurrectionists” free, and rightly so.…

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