This Is It! Are You Prepared For What Is Coming?

This is it. 

The final roll-out of the massive depopulation genocide and enslavement agenda has begun. 

In just two weeks we’ve seen drone swarms, possible UFOs, and a chemical fog that could be spreading bacteria designed to simulate the symptoms of whatever they have in mind for the BIG SICK 2025, which will probably be in the guise of Bird Flu, leading in new lockdowns, masks, quarantine camps, and vaccination passports. 

Trump is ramping up the Technocrats’ and Club of Rome’s revised map to usher in the 10 Kingdoms and a New World Order. 

Oh, and they fire-bombed the second-largest city in the US. 

Unless you’re a brainwashed, mind-controlled, fluorided, chemtrailed and poisoned sheeple-slave who has fallen for the ultimate controlled opposition psyop and its good cop, bad cop tactics, right now you are thinking of ways to escape

Or, at least position yourself to mitigate what’s on the final countdown menu to massive genocide and satanic enslavement, including, in no particular order, 

WW3 and/or viral outbreaks and/or weather manipulation “climate emergencies” resulting in lockdowns (for your safety), brainchips and social credit. Plus, a guaranteed monumental economic collapse, highlighting the world's reliance on urban supply chains and a fragile food and health system.

The only way you’re not preparing to do anything about it is if, 

  1. You don't believe it’s happening. 
  2. You think you still have time. 
  3. You don’t know what to do. 

I’m not sure what more proof anyone needs at this point that this is all going down, and fast. 

All the evidence has been laid out before you, BELIEVE IT! 

Everyone always claims they would die for their kids. That’s great, but would you change yourself for your kids? Your habits? Your lifestyle?

Don’t die for your children. Live for them. Create the opportunities for them to live. It’s not that hard, either. 

Stay Ahead of Health Crises: Get yourself ready physically. Stock up on medical supplies and prepare for potential mandates or shortages. 

Diversify Your Preps: Energy, food, and water security should be top priorities. If disruptions hit, you need to be self-reliant. 

Plan for Blackouts: From cyberattacks to failing infrastructure, power outages could become the new normal. Prep your home for extended periods off-grid.

Prepare for Conflict: Whether it’s regional wars or something larger, make sure your family has a plan and a safe place to retreat to if needed.

Guard Your Privacy: In a world of increasing surveillance, take steps now to protect your data and communications.

Or, join the Vigilante Insiders Club (VIC)! 

I haven’t spoken much about the VIC, because it’s a really exclusive club that we only open for new membership when there are open spaces. Membership costs $700 per month (or $7k a year), and it operates on Telegram with close to 24/7-access to me and all the other analysts on TDV and TCV, including Rafael LaVerde, Mr.X, Ed Bugos and everyone else. 

It’s where first alerts happen. For example, if we suspect an NFT or Altcoin is going to perform well, the first people who will know about it are VIC members. Next, I will write about it in The Dollar Vigilante subscription-newsletter, and only after that will I talk about it on my walk n’ talks. 

It’s not only about cryptocurrency or economic survival, either. The VIC club has several subgroups, including health & self-work, offshore news, and prepping solutions. 

In short, the VIC is a super exclusive Apocalypse Survival Club with limited membership who are extremely happy with the value that comes with being Part Of The Little Club. Not least, a ready-made community network of like-minded entrepreneurs and professionals all over the world whose goal is to help each other through the Apocalypse! 

Soon, we will open the VIC for a limited time to new members. 

Watch today’s video for more information on WHY this is probably the best and last opportunity you’ll get before things get much, much crazier than anyone can imagine, and visit for details on how to join. 

The future may be uncertain, but the signs are there for those willing to see them. The question is, will you act now—or wait until it’s too late?

And, while miracles might happen, and some of the stuff might not happen, I guarantee that some of the stuff is definitely going to happen, like the financial and economic collapse. It’s baked into the cake.

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Jeff Berwick

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks. Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and creator of the popular video podcast, Anarchast. Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and cryptocurrency conferences including his own, the world's largest anarcho-capitalist conference, Anarchapulco, as well he has been embarrassed to have appeared in the fake mainstream media including CNBC, Fox Business and Bloomberg. Jeff also posts video content daily to, Bitchute, Brighteon, Odysee and 153News.