The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Are Riding As The Shemitah Nears

The harbingers of Death, War, Pestilence, and Famine seem to have shot out the stalls and are sprinting toward the finish line.  And no, I’m not talking about Kill Gates, Vlad Putin, Dr. Fraudci, and Satan Klaus. (Although, you have to wonder what the Four Horsemen would make of people like Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre,…

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The Great Gaslightenment… Leading Soon to Straight Up Gassing Of The People

“A deadly pandemic could shut down Melbourne as we know it. Public transport could be terminated, AFL games cancelled and the casino, schools and office towers forced to close. It has been predicted that the first wave of a pandemic could cause 10,000 deaths in Victoria. But families and friends may not be able to…

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SHOCKING ADMISSION: CDC Says Over 90% of Deaths Weren’t From COVAIDS19 and 90% of Tests Were False Positives

There seems to be a black hole swallowing flu, pneumonia, cancer, diabetes, old age and stroke fatalities in 2020. Every year, millions of people around the world die of these causes, none related to the Serial Killer From China plandemic. Yet, this year, all these illnesses have been used as “comorbidity” excuses to label people…

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Have the People Finally Awoken?

‘End to Government lies.’ ‘New normal = new fascism.’ ‘We do not consent.’ ‘Do not comply.’ ‘Masks are muzzles.’ ‘Free your face.’ ‘We are the people. We are the power. We are the 99%.’ WE ARE THE 99%… These were the messages of the 10,000 men and women who gathered in London’s Trafalgar Square as…

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Welcome to the Masquerade, the Planned Collapse and the Magic Number 33

Quote of The Year goes to Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Director, who said: “Mortality decreases is complicating matters.” “When people start to realize that 99% of us are going to be fine, it becomes more and more difficult to get people to comply.” What to do, what to do? Hey! Make it…

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