Collapse Imminent! Top Analyst Says Coming in November
This summer I stated that I expected a fall crisis to happen – mostly based on my insights on an ancient timeline called the Shemitah. I produced several videos that went viral around the world. In fact, the crisis came a few weeks early when 23 international stock markets crashed in and around August, and the Dow fell over 1,000…
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Read MoreBitcoin Price Explodes Higher – Gold and Silver Next?
We spent much of the summer telling people to get into bitcoin for a number of reasons I'll go over below… and I'll expand on where I think it, gold & silver and the markets are going next and how they are all interrelated. To begin, though, bitcoin has skyrocketed higher, up $55 today alone…
Read MoreTeam America: World Taxation Police and the REAL Reasons Why
It was a day just like most other days… which included an email from some brokerage or bank sending me an email requesting more documentation to better “Know Your Client” (KYC). I've sent so much documentation over the last few years to banks and brokerages that I feel some of these banks should at least…
Read MoreAnarchast: Larken Rose: Government on Trial and The Mirror
Jeff interviews author and freedom fighter, Larken Rose, topics include: waking people up to liberty, the movement is growing, government on trial, nobody can make statism rational, questioning college professors, questioning Bernie Sanders, brainwashed statists, The Mirror project, focusing on the psychology to facilitate conversation without fear, illustrating moral points to make them clear and…
Read MoreHow Inflation Fools People Into Thinking They Are Richer Than They Are
[The following is an excerpt from the October issue of TDV released to subscribers today] One of the biggest crimes against humanity is central banking and their constant devaluing of their currencies. Some of the biggest names in history have identified central bank inflation correctly: -“By a continuing process of inflation, government can confiscate, secretly…
Read MoreCatastrophe on All Fronts: There Is No Recovery
The Federal Reserve didn't pull the trigger on a 0.25% rate hike again today, making my prediction, seven years ago, that the Fed would never raise rates again, still in play. The markets rallied on the news after a brief drop… but the markets are almost completely professional fund managers and computerized systems now. And…
Read MoreThe US Continues To Lead The World in Citizen Defection
Remember back in the '80s where a constant stream of people, including famous athletes, would defect from the Soviet Union to escape their totalitarian regime whenever they got the opportunity? Today, the USA is more aptly referred to as the USSA and what was formerly the Soviet Union is now called Russia and seen by…
Read MoreAnarchast: L.K. Samuels: Chaos Theory and Why Governments Don't Work!
Jeff interviews author of the book ‘In Defence of Chaos: The Chaology of Politics, Economics and Human Action' L K Samuels, topics include: social chaology, chaos theory as regards to government and libertarianism, chaos is necessary and good, order is repetition, Hayek's spontaneous order, Austrian economics, initial conditions, the butterfly effect, little things can lead…
Read MoreBitcoin Rises 25% In The Last Month – Nears $300
Bitcoin has had an excellent month. I have been saying since near the $240 level that it looked like an excellent buying opportunity and so far that call is looking good. That said, however, as can be seen by the one year chart of bitcoin there is heavy resistance near $300. A pullback to…
Read MoreBanking Horror Stories and How To Escape the Western Banking System
[The following article is by Paul Seymour of TDV Offshore] Since December of last year, my email inbox has been full of inquiries from increasingly worried citizens of the neo-fascist oligarchies to the north. Based on what I’m hearing every day, it’s getting intolerable up there. At the same time, I continually hear the same inaccuracies…
Read MoreThe Weekend Vigilante: My Spiritual Iboga Experience
Hello from Anarchapulco, Those who have followed my writing for years know that I have publicly gone through a multitude of changes in my quest for finding truth. When The Dollar Vigilante first began I'd often regale my experiences traveling the world and pushing my lifestyle to the extremes. I'd impart how I'd be involved…
Read MoreTDV Interview Series – Roger Ver: Bitcoin Revolution and Expatriation!
Jeff interviews Roger Ver the ‘Bitcoin Jesus' topics include: Bitcoin moves money out of the hands of government and back into the hands of the people, goverment financial controls rapidly tightening up, luxstack bitcoin wallet, the nature of bitcoin, buying bitcoin, offering your services for bitcoin, the bitcoin price, price volatility, limited supply of bitcoin,…
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Read MoreThe US$ 1.5 Quadrillion Derivatives Catastrophe
An article circulating on the internet and entitled, “When will the Bank Bubble Burst” makes some good points about the lurking catastrophe of world markets. Egon von Greyerz writes about an recent that took place at Deutsche Bank (DB), where a junior employee “paid $6 billion to a hedge fund which was the gross value…
Read MoreWal-Mart: An Epitaph for the Failure of the Modern Investment System
Still think everything is fine with the economy? If Wal-Mart is any indication then you have to seriously question that belief! Here is a Year-To-Date chart of Wal-Mart's fantastical ride down. In just the last 10 months Wal-Mart has steadily fallen from above $90 to now below $60 for a total loss of approximately 35%.…
Read MoreFreedom Fighter Irwin Schiff Passes Away In US Prison
Yesterday, Irwin Schiff, father of Peter Schiff and freedom activist passed away in a US prison where he was being held as a political prisoner. We would like to express our condolences to the Schiff family and publicly thank Irwin Schiff for his service and sacrifice. Irwin Schiff was a prominent figure in the tax…
Read MoreHere Is Why Your Government Wants To Track Everything You Do
If you've tried to open a bank or brokerage account nearly anywhere in the world today you'll be asked for all manner of documentation. And that's if you can even open a brokerage or bank account outside of the US today as an American. Most banks and brokerages won't accept Americans as clients. Brokerages around…
Read MoreThe Best, Easiest & Cheapest 2nd Passport Option I've Seen Yet
Here at TDV I've told people for years the value of living as a Permanent Tourist/Prior Taxpayer (PT) and also the value of having a second passport… for a myriad of reasons. And in five years of telling people and also trying to find ways for them to get a second passport as easily and…
Read MoreNew Video: SHEMITAH EXPOSED III: The Super Shemitah and Fall Crisis Period
This is the latest in our series of SHEMITAH EXPOSED videos talking about events and crises this fall. You can view it by clicking here or below: Please share if you like it so more people are aware of what may be to come.
Read MoreThe Campaign to Undermine Saudi Arabia and the US Dollar
Saudi Arabia is much in the news these days for beheadings, crucifixions and varied whippings and stonings of young women and old men… and, at the same time, the UN has just added the Saudi ambassador to head up its Council on Human Rights! You really can't make this stuff up! But, why these reports…
Read MoreNew: Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee on Precious Metals Manipulation
With silver shortages occurring around the world, Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) explains how governments and central banks manipulate the paper price of precious metals, the use of derivatives to affect the markets, the lack of audits at Ft. Knox for decades and why he thinks gold and silver prices are…
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Read MoreIMF Warns of US$3 Trillion Worldwide Crash… But That's The Best Case Scenario
Is the world ready for a US$3 trillion crash? The IMF tells us it’s on the way whether investors are prepared or not. In a recently released white paper, the IMF identified a “triad” of risks that made a global securities crash almost inevitable. This triad has to do with the amount of debt assumed…
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