The College Education Bubble Is Coming To Its Logical End

By Jeff Berwick | January 6, 2015

[The following post is by TDV Chief Editor, Jeff Berwick]

This past weekend a grown, 30 year old man shot his father over unhappiness with his allowance according to reports in Associated Press as reported at ZeroHedge.

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Gold Is Performing Its Role Well In TEOTMSAWKI

By Jeff Berwick | January 5, 2015

[The following post is by TDV Chief Editor, Jeff Berwick]

As we enter into the final stages of The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI) gold is playing its role very well.

Due to gold hitting an all-time high of $1,921.50 on September 6th, 2011 and now currently trading near $1,200 there has been a lot of negativity about gold.  If you watch mainstream media in the US (which no one does anymore… CNBC just hit all-time record low ratings at the end of 2014) you get the impression that gold is not only dead but going much lower.

However, in every other currency, other than the US dollar, gold advanced in 2014.

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Anarchast: Tatiana Moroz: Liberty in Music!

By Miguel70 | January 5, 2015

Jeff Berwick, in Anarchapulco interviews libertarian songbird Tatiana Moroz from the beach in Sydney, Australia. Topics include: Ron Paul, the liberty movement, bitcoin brings new hope, Bitcoin Magazine, Coinjar, Airbitz, Tatianacoin, the first artist crypto, Anarchapulco, incorporating Liberty into your life, Luke Rudkowski, torture report, the war on drugs, alcohol beingthe worst drug, bitcoin scammers, reputation systems and Tatiana's upcoming album!

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A Discussion On Bitcoin With Roger Ver – TDV Week In Review, Sunday, January 4, 2015

By | January 5, 2015

Originally appeared at Bitcoinomics.Net

Roger Ver is among the best known bitcoiners, with investments in core bitcoin startups such as, BitPay, Ripple, Blockchain and others. Roger has tirelessly championed the financial and technological uses for Bitcoin and their applications to modern life. Part entrepreneur, part philosopher Roger can be seen globetrotting to various Bitcoin conferences and gatherings. He has served as full time CEO of Having discovered Bitcoin in early 2011, Roger became convinced it was “the most important invention in the history of the world since the internet.”

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Anarchast: Juan S. Galt: The Supernet and Anarchapulco!

By Miguel70 | January 2, 2015

Jeff interviews Bitcoin 2.0 evangelist Juan Galt, topics include: Stephan Moleneux on Somalia, freedom in Mexico, capital controls, Bitcoin 2.0 multi-tool Supernet, MaidSafe, multi-gateway, decentralized storage, lack of anonymity on the blockchain, BitcoinDark network, rising hope, investment crowdfunding, ownership stake, Open Bazaar, Anarchapulco.

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Happy New Year 2015 – Hope and Change

By Jeff Berwick | January 1, 2015

Happy New Year from Anarchapulco!

Here was my view last evening as I watched a completely anarchic fireworks display occur.  With absolutely no government involvement private individuals and businesses set off fireworks and shots were fired into the air in complete spontaneous order (captured below in 1080P with a Samsung Galaxy S5 – just click on 'settings' on the bottom YouTube bar to upgrade it to 1080P).  Midnight was struck at the 0:42 second mark of the video.

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New York Police Accidentally Show People They Are Not Needed Nor Wanted

By Jeff Berwick | December 31, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Chief Editor, Jeff Berwick]

Showing that even the police are incredibly brainwashed by TV programming that always shows them as needed heroes the New York police may have made a career-threatening mistake by effectively going on strike this month.

The 34,500 uniformed members of the NYPD, which Mayor Bloomberg once called the world's seventh largest army, had two of their members shot this month and in protest they decided to stop harassing people for awhile.

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The Latest FATCA Propaganda & Atrocities

By | December 30, 2014

[The following post is written by Director of TDV Offshore, Paul Seymour]

It’s been a while since the whole FATCA charade has annoyed me enough to spend more time writing about it, but recently, a series of events have finally caused me to return to this sordid subject.  

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Anarchast: Skinner Layne of Exosphere

By Miguel70 | December 30, 2014

Jeff Interviews Skinner Layne of Exosphere, topics include: entrepreneurship, weaning yourself off the monthly wage, not always easy, business as a living breathing entity, Exobase, self examination, 8 week residency camp, expatriation, student loan dilemma, life experience more valuable than education, forget about college that ship is going down!

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Cops Can Enforce Non-Existent Laws With Impunity

By | December 29, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Contributor, Wendy McElroy]

Ignorance of the law is an excuse…if you are a cop. American police no longer need to know what the law says or to enforce it correctly. They can implement a non-existent law with impunity even if it results in the apparent violation of constitutional rights. This may have been apparent to many as a police practice but now it is now officially the law of the land. On December 15, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled on Heien v. North Carolina

Facts of the Case

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TDV Interview: Live Free FM with Nathan Fraser

By Miguel70 | December 29, 2014

Jeff is interviewed by Nathan Fraser for Live Free FM, topics include: Henry David Thoreau, Lysander Spooner, the social contract is not consent, government an unnecessary evil, Doug Casey, Jeff's awakening to Anarchism, Anarchast, Kanada and socialism, public school indoctrination camps, the battle for mindshare ramping up, Acapulco, Anarchapulco, the Anarchist mentality, US war on drugs the biggest problem in Mexico but it is ending, great entrepreneurship opportunities in Mexico, the benefits of unregulated alcohol. Re-Think, Re-Invent All the Things!

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A Discussion About Mycelium & Bitcoin With Dmitry Murashchik – TDV Week In Review: Sunday, Dec 28 2014

By | December 28, 2014

Originally appeared on Bitcoinomics.Net

TDV Contributor Justin O'Connell (GoldSilverBitcoin, Bitcoinomics, Our Very Own Special Show) had the opportunity to sit down with the Mycelium project, which was started with the goal of creating an independent, self-powered, ad-hoc network and infrastructure which could form wherever enough nodes came together. Having been before the days of bitcoin, the main purpose of this network was text messaging between active and present nodes within a radius of 300 meters.

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Everything You Need to Know About the Markets in a Christmas Carol

By Jeff Berwick | December 26, 2014

Did you miss what happened in 2014 in the markets?  If so, you can get caught up in one Christmas Carol here.


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A Vigilante Navidad

By Jeff Berwick | December 25, 2014

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the casa,

Pinatas were hung from the bamboo terraza,

Talk of Santa and Jesus swirled by the tree,

But being a vigilante I had to be me,

I pointed out that nothing of Christmas has anything to do with Christ,

It has more to do with the worship of Saturn, and other pagan delights,

One after another,

Friends and family arrove,

Even one named Angel,

Quite perfect, I supposed,

I told them too of whence came these ideas,

They nodded back and offered a Christmas tequila,

As the night carried on and drinks and food were enjoyed,

We came to realize that most everything is noise,

What really matters is that we were together,

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Anarchy Divided Is Just Noise

By | December 24, 2014

[The following post is by our TDV Contributor Joe Johnson]

I appreciated Jeff's recent succinct and thought provoking post. Prince Ea hits the nail on the head in his video (profanity warning).

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Ruble Ruckus

By | December 24, 2014

[The following post is by Scott Freeman]

Is the Devaluation of the Ruble a Disaster?

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TDV Week In Review, Sunday December 21, 2014

By | December 21, 2014

Check out TDV's Invitation to Jeff's secret appearance in Cancun.

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I'm Having Trouble Focusing on What I am Supposed To Be Scared Of

By Jeff Berwick | December 19, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick]

One of the reasons I live in Anarchapulco is because Western media gets almost no play down here.  Typically the day's conversation ranges from how beautiful and wonderful of a day it is to when is the next fiesta (invariably it is at least every week).

However, in my role of Dollar Vigilante a big part of my job is paying attention to what is going on in the world… and watching and reading US media always leaves me flabergasted.

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If Only The IRS' Threat To “Shut Down” Was a Promise

By Jeff Berwick | December 18, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick]

The Internal Revenue Service has warned that it may have to shut down.  The fact that this was not met by thunderous applause from the American sheeple only shows how communist and brainwashed they are today in the USSA!

In the recent $1.1 trillion spending bill monstrosity, Congress cut the IRS budget by $346 million to $10.9 billion.

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Over The Limit: Why I Am Leaving The Shire

By Jeff Berwick | December 18, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Contributor Pete Gorman]

I love New Zealand, the breathtaking natural beauty, the mostly open and friendly people and my own history here create a real bond with the place, but all my adult life I have felt oppressed by an ever increasing multitude of laws, regulation and bureaucracy, and it is increasing all the time. I have witnessed the slow erosion of freedom, of the old New Zealand of my Grandfathers day. I have seen the nanny state welfare and 'education' systems turn a large portion of our young adults into helpless unskilled and unmotivated state dependants.

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If You Don't Have Your Assets Outside of the US Yet, What Are You Waiting For?

By Jeff Berwick | December 16, 2014

[The following post is by TDV Editor-In-Chief, Jeff Berwick]

The trajectory is clear.  Painfully clear.

The US government is so beyond bankrupt it isn't even worth belaboring the point.  We've spent the last five years here doing so.

What is more important, if you are an American who still has most of your assets inside the US, is that the walls are closing down around you at an unprecedented rate.  Nearly daily the proof continues to mount.

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